Contemporary Dance
in English
This class will work on fluidity in and out of the floor and improvisation. We will incorporate cardio and strength training to become strong and get the body warm. Various choreographic sequences will cover basic and more complex contemporary dance movements including across the floor. We will work both on musicality and somatic elements to sense the body and connect to the surroundings, the music, our own desires and choices, and other people. We will dance to many styles of music and work to improve while in a safe and accepting environment. The class is taught in English.
Basic in English
Wondering what's behind "contemporary"? We'll try it out again every week in the Basics course. You can get a taste of the basics of contemporary dance: you will learn different movement techniques, practise turns, jumps, floor work, perception and release. In addition to partner exercises and group games, you will learn short choreographies. A little bit of everything. It will be varied.
You can join at any time and no previous knowledge is necessary.
Contemporary Floorwork hat Einflüsse aus dem Urbanen Tanz, dem Modernen Tanz und Akrobatischen Elementen. Samira erarbeitete sich in den letzten Jahren ihre eigene Bewegungssprache, welche sich stetig weiterentwickelt. Sie schafft Raum für die Teilnehmenden, sich und ihre Körper auf eine neue Art und Weise kennenzulernen und Freude an Bewegung zu finden. In dem Kurs werden Schritt für Schritt die Basics für Floorwork und Contemporary Dance erarbeitet. Nach einem Warm-up geht es in die technischen Übungen. Der Kurs endet mit einer energetischen Choreografie, in welcher das Erlernte angewendet wird.
Contemporary Floorwork has influences from urban dance, modern dance and acrobatic elements. Over the last few years, Samira has developed her own language of movement, which is constantly evolving. She creates space for the participants to get to know themselves and their bodies in a new way and to find joy in movement. In the course, the basics for floorwork and contemporary dance are worked out step by step. After a warm-up, we move on to the technical exercises. The course ends with an energetic choreography in which what has been learned is applied.
Level 1-2 richtet sich an Teilnehmende, mit keinen oder mit etwas Vorkenntnissen im Contemporary Dance, Modern Dance oder klassischem Tanz.
Level 2-3 richtet sich an Teilnehmende mit Vorkenntnissen und Fortgeschrittene im Contemporary Dance, Modern Dance oder klassischem Tanz.
Level 1-2 is for participants with no or some previous experience in contemporary, modern or classical dance.
Level 2-3 is for participants with previous and advanced knowledge of contemporary, modern or classical dance.
Bitte mitbringen
- bequeme Kleidung
- etwas Wärmeres zum Überziehen
- Barfuß oder Tanzschläppchen - keine Turnschuhe!
- etwas zu trinken